This Is Our Story
Zomba Tour Guides Association was founded and established in 2016 with the help and ongoing sponsorship from Zomba Forest Lodge (ZFL) and Zomba TREEZ . The aim of the Association is to promote professionalism and environmental conservation on Zomba mountain and its surroundings.
Since its establishment, the Association, led by Jonas Beyard, has been tirelessly involved in regular tree planting and trail maintenance, firefighting and fire prevention exercises, litter picking and general environmental awareness. The Association also introduced the first ever indigenous tree nursery on the plateau where the seeds were collected and raised. Seedlings have since been planted along the banks of the Mulunguzi river to help protect the water catchment for the city of Zomba.
The Tour Guides also take part in big events like the annual Run 4 Reforestation, the Zomba stage of the Winter Series Mountain bike challenge and the Zomba leg of the Orbis Challenge.
Guests who are guided by a member of the Association will enjoy the pleasure of a cultural exchange while walking the many beautiful trails of the Zomba Plateau. Guests will also be positively contributing towards conservation efforts on the Plateau.